I tendered my resignation nine days ago. My second this year. It was hard the first time around, doubly harder the next.
Six months ago, I resigned from a job that I held for some six years. It was in that firm that I learned how to be a lawyer. Until now, when I come visit, the place feels like home. You would have thought that leaving it was harder than leaving a space I occupied for only six months. But it was not.
Maybe it is because the ties one has with old friends is deeper, harder to break. And the idea that those ties will not be broken by distance, or by the transformation that by necessity goes along with one's departure, tempers the emotions. Hence, in one's mind, departure is not the same as disappearance.
On the other hand, to leave a place one has not fully grown into, with people one has grown to respect, seems permanent. And the feeling that one could do a lot more, whether for the place or the people, is more pronounced. In this instance, leaving could very well be forever. Not because one chooses to, but because time was far too short for the bond that holds you to that place, those people, to take root.
Technorati Tags: Goodbye, Resignation, Old Friends
Pleaded by Appellant on Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 1:28 AM with 0 Objections